ISO 27001 Vs SOC 2

Selecting between ISO 27001 and SOC 2 might be challenging for companies trying to protect their data. Many times utilized to control hazards and safeguard private information are these two criteria.

By comparing ISO 27001 with SOC 2, this article will enable you to choose which one best meets your requirements. Discover the main variations and parallels between these significant security models by reading on.

Understanding SOC 2 and ISO 27001

Two main standards for data security are ISO 27001 and SOC 2. They enable businesses to establish consumer confidence and safeguard private information.

What are these?

Crucial frameworks for risk management and information security include ISO 27001 and SOC 2. Designed by the International Organization for Standardization, ISO 27001 focuses on building and preserving an Information Security Management System (ISMS).

By use of a methodical approach to information security risk management, this standard enables companies to safeguard private information.

Designed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, SOC 2 is based on five Trust Services Criteria. Security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy comprise these standards.

SOC 2 seeks to guarantee that suppliers of services safely handle data in order to safeguard client interests and privacy.

Security is a procedure rather than a thing. Bruce Schneier –

Why ought they be significant?

Data security compliance depends much on ISO 27001 and SOC 2. These guidelines enable businesses to develop confidence among investors, customers, and employees. These certificates let companies show their dedication to safeguarding private data.

In the digital environment of today, when data breaches and cyber-attacks are regular occurrences, this dedication is very essential.

Every accreditation has special advantages for companies. They increase market reach by opening doors to several customer bases all around. Businesses having ISO 27001 or SOC 2 certifications generally have a competitive advantage in their sector.

Better internal practices resulting from these criteria also help to enhance information security management systems and risk assessment procedures.

Important Variances Between ISO 27001 and SOC 2

Different scopes and certification procedures define ISO 27001 and SOC 2. Their different approaches to pricing and framework utilization might affect the decision of a company.

scope and usefulness

The scope and application of ISO 27001 and SOC 2 vary. Covering a broad spectrum of hazards, ISO 27001 approaches information security holistically. It is relevant to companies of all kinds all around.

Conversely, SOC 2 focuses on service providers and their data security related procedures.

Five Trust Services Criteria make up SOC 2; only the Security criteria is required for certification. This allows service companies to more easily customize their compliance initiatives.

While SOC 2 is more common in North America, ISO 27001 enjoys higher recognition outside of that area. Both criteria seek to improve cybersecurity techniques and data protection methods.

Strong instruments for developing confidence and proving dedication to information security are ISO 27001 and SOC 2.

Procedure for certification and schedule

From scope and application, we now focus to the certification procedure and schedule for ISO 27001 and SOC 2. The timescales for certification and execution of these criteria vary.

Usually within 45 days, SOC 2 Type 1 certification may be attained fast. The whole SOC 2 Type 2 procedure takes three to twelve months, depending on Conversely, ISO 27001 calls more for time.

Usually spanning three to six months, implementation follows the nine-month to three-year whole certification procedure. ISO 27001’s lengthier timetable mirror its all-encompassing approach to information security management systems.

Both guidelines call for internal audits, risk analyses, and the creation of security mechanisms to satisfy certain requirements.

Framework expenses and use

The applications and expenses of ISO 27001 and SOC 2 frameworks vary. About 50–60% more costly than SOC 2 audits, ISO 27001 audits cover a wider area and need more resources.

Because of its strict criteria and all-encompassing approach to information security, ISO 27001 accreditation might prove more difficult for businesses. SOC 2, on the other hand, provides adaptability.

By customizing their SOC 2 audits to particular requirements, companies may possibly save costs. By focusing on pertinent Trust Services Criteria, this approach helps companies to simplify the compliance process.

Both requirements call for large time and financial commitment. Usually including a more comprehensive certification procedure encompassing many phases of audits and continuous monitoring, ISO 27001

Although less expensive, SOC 2 audits still demand a lot of work to put and maintain controls in use. The size, sector, and customer needs of a company will typically determine which of these models best fit it.

Some businesses use both certificates in order to satisfy various client demands and optimize their reputation.

Comparable features between SOC 2 and ISO 27001

Both ISO 27001 and SOC 2 emphasize safeguarding of private information. Through robust security policies, they want to establish confidence with clients and partners.

Give information security first priority.

At its fundamental level, ISO 27001 and SOC 2 give information security top priority. Both approaches stress excellent practices to protect private information. Three main elements—confidentiality, availability, and integrity—have their special emphasis.

These criteria force companies to use strong rules, procedures, and technologies. Their objective is to prevent illegal access to or compromises of important data.

At almost 96%, ISO 27001 and SOC 2 security rules significantly overlap. This high proportion reveals their common dedication to data security. Both rules need outside audits to confirm compliance.

They also cover certain subjects linked to data security. These models let companies establish confidence with partners and customers.

Effect on client data

Protecting client data comes first in both ISO 27001 and SOC 2. These criteria demand that companies use strong security policies and procedures. Companies have to protect private data against illegal access, breaches, and data loss.

This emphasis on data protection helps partners and customers to develop confidence.

Customer data security goes beyond the standard security precautions. Both systems need consistent risk analyses, staff development, and event response strategies. They also call on companies to constantly examine and change their security policies.

This all-encompassing strategy keeps companies ahead of changing risks and preserves robust data security.

Selecting Correct Standard for Your Company

Choosing the appropriate benchmark for your business will rely on a number of factors. While choosing between ISO 27001 and SOC 2, take long-term security objectives, customer needs, and your industry into account.

Issues for ISO 27001

ISO 27001 provides a whole framework for handling information security. Companies thinking on ISO 27001 certification should give some important aspects some thought:

  1. Regular risk assessments are required by ISO 27001. Businesses have to find and assess any hazards to their information security.
  2. Development of ISMS: Using an Information Security Management System is very vital. ISO 27001 compliance is built upon this framework.
  3. The certification procedure may take nine months to three years depending on the resource allocation. Enough time and personnel have to be committed to this endeavor.
  4. ISO 27001 emphasizes on applying controls as per the Statement of Applicability, therefore controlling implementation. This guarantees a personalised approach to security.
  5. The actual certification audit usually takes three to six months. Businesses should adjust their strategies.
  6. Continuous improvement: ISO 27001 stresses constant performance improvements. Companies have to promise consistent updates and improvements.
  7. The ISO 27001 audit is carried out by a recognized certifying agency. Businesses need to be ready for close inspection.
  8. ISO 27001 calls for yearly evaluations and a three-year certification cycle, therefore reflecting long-term dedication. It’s a continual process rather than a one-time occurrence.
  9. The norm calls for robust internal controls. Businesses have to start and keep these regularly.
  10. Data protection: ISO 27001 conforms with GDPR and other rules. It guarantees appropriate treatment of private information.

We will next discuss the factors influencing SOC 2 certification.

Concerns regarding SOC 2

Companies looking for SOC 2 accreditation have to weigh various elements. Key factors for businesses aiming at SOC 2 compliance include:

  1. SOC 2 is particular to service providers managing consumer data. It verifies security, availability, integrity, confidence, privacy, and control related policies.
  2. SOC 2 audits must be carried out by registered CPAs and need constant assurance. This guarantees a thorough review of security mechanisms.
  3. SOC 2 Type 1 may be attained in as short as 45 days. For businesses looking for speedy approval, this shortened certification procedure might be enticing.
  4. SOC 2 audits look at technology as well as systems supporting security controls. This all-encompassing strategy makes possible weaknesses visible.
  5. Customer expectations: Many, particularly in regulated sectors, anticipate SOC 2 compliance. Reaching this level may open doors to fresh commercial prospects.
  6. SOC 2 may support other compliance initiatives such GDPR or HIPAA by means of regulatory alignment. This alignment simplifies general adherence to regulations.
  7. Constant improvement: SOC 2 advocates continuous security improvements. This emphasis on ongoing development helps to gradually boost the security posture of a company.

Companies have to take time and expense required for SOC 2 certification into account. This covers possible technological updates and personnel training.

Clearly identifying the audit scope is really vital. This directs attention toward important systems and procedures.

SOC 2 promotes a risk-based attitude to security. This fits really well with contemporary cybersecurity approaches such as zero trust.

Possible advantages of earning both certificates

Getting SOC 2 and ISO 27001 certifications has major benefits for companies. These criteria increase investor and customer confidence in data security policies of a company.

Businesses that get both certificates have a great dedication to cybersecurity best standards. This dual strategy may increase general security posture and provide new commercial prospects.

The junction of ISO 27001 and SOC 2 helps companies to obtain both certifications more easily. ISO 27001 guides the development of a strong Information Security Management System (ISMS). SOC 2 is mostly concerned with continuous security practice enhancement.

Taken together, they provide a thorough foundation for data security. This all-encompassing approach improves a company’s capacity to satisfy certain industry standards and regulatory compliance criteria.


For companies trying to improve their security posture, ISO 27001 and SOC 2 have special advantages. Your particular demands, sector, and worldwide reach will determine your option. Some businesses choose both certifications in order to optimize their efforts at security and compliance.

Using these models can improve your data security and increase client confidence regardless of the road you choose. By giving information security first priority using these accepted criteria, keep ahead in the digital terrain.